conference Publications
1. Q Xiong, X Zhou, CH Yeow, "A Soft Pneumatic Actuator with Multiple Motion Patterns Based on Length-tuning Strain-limiting Layers", 2023 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), 1-6
2. Q Xun, BWK Ang, CH Yeow, "Elbow Soft Robot Rehabilitation System for Hemiplegic Stroke Patients Based on sEMG Control", 2023 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), 1-6
3. JW Ambrose, DSY Cheah, RCH Yeow, "Dual Multilayer Extension Actuator for High Extension and High Compression Force Applications", 2023 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), 1-7
1. PM Khin, JH Low, MH Ang, CH Yeow," In-Hand Object Recognition for Sensorized Soft Hand", International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, 351-364
2. P Rawat, T Misra, PM Khin, MH Ang, CH Yeow, S Mitra," GradNet: A Viscosity Gradient Approach to Achieve Dexterity in Soft Pneumatic Actuators", International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, 374-385
1. Chao-Yu Chen, Khin Phone May, Chen-Hua Yeow," 3D printed Soft Extension Actuator",2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), 435-441
2.JW Ambrose, RCH Yeow," Multilayer Extending Actuator for Soft Robotic Applications", 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), 351-357
1. A Bhat, RCH Yeow ,"Utilizing Sacrificial Molding for Embedding Motion Controlling Endostructures in Soft Pneumatic Actuators" 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
2.JH Low, JY Goh, N Cheng, PM Khin, QQ Han, CH Yeow,"A Bidirectional 3D-printed Soft Pneumatic Actuator and Graphite-based Flex Sensor for Versatile Grasping", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 7979-7985
1. B. W. K. Ang and C.H. Yeow, "Design and Characterization of a 3D Printed Soft Robotic Wrist Sleeve with 2 DoF for Stroke Rehabilitation," 2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), Seoul, Korea (South), 2019, pp. 577-582.
2. B. W. K. Ang and C.H. Yeow, "3D Printed Soft Pneumatic Actuators with Intent Sensing for Hand Rehabilitative Exoskeletons", 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada, 2019.
3. T.M. Miller-Jackson, J. Li, R.F. Natividad, C.H. Yeow. STAS: An Antagonistic Soft Pneumatic Actuator Assembly for High Torque Output. In 2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) (pp. 43-48). IEEE, 2019.
4. T.M. Miller-Jackson, R.F. Natividad and C.H. Yeow. Simplifying Soft Robots Through Adhesive-backed Fabrics. In 2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) (pp. 834-839). IEEE, 2019.
5. Y. Sun, A.J.Y. Goh, M. Li, H. Feng, J.H. Low, M.H. Ang, C.H. Yeow. Improved Fabrication of Soft Robotic Pad for Wearable Assistive Devices, in 2018 International Symposium on Wearable Robotics, 401-405, 2018
6. R.F. Natividad, S.W. Hong, T.M. Miller-Jackson, C.H. Yeow, The Exosleeve: A Soft Robotic Exoskeleton for Assisting in Activities of Daily Living, in 2018 International Symposium on Wearable Robotics, 406-409, 2018
7. P. Ahmadian, R. F. Natividad and C. Yeow, "Carpie: A soft, mechanically-reconfigurable worm robot," 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macau, China, 2019, pp. 787-792, doi: 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8968305.
1. N. Cheng, J.H. Low, W.K. Ang, J.Y. Goh, C.H. Yeow. Soft Fabric-based Pneumatic Sensor for Bending Angles and Contact Force Detection. IEEE Sensors, 2018.
2. L. Rosalia, W.K. Ang, C.H. Yeow. Geometry-Based Customization of Bending Modalities for 3D-printed Soft Pneumatic Actuators. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter, 2018.
3. X. Liang, H. Cheong, Y. Sun, J. Guo, C.K. Chui, C.H. Yeow. Design, Characterization, and Implementation of a Two-DOF Fabric-Based Soft Robotic Arm. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter, 2018; 3(3):2702-2709.
4. R. F. Natividad, M.R.J. Del Rosario, P.C.Y. Chen, C.H. Yeow. A Reconfigurable Pneumatic Bending Actuator with Replaceable Inflation Modules. Soft Robotics, 2018.
5. A. Fraiszudeen, C.H. Yeow. "Soft actuating sit to stand trainer seat", Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2018.
1. F.Z. Low, H.H. Tan, J.H. Lim, C.H. Yeow. "Design, characterisation and evaluation of a soft robotic sock device on healthy subjects for assisted ankle rehabilitation", Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 42:1, 26-34, DOI: 10.1080/03091902.2017.1411985.
2. H.K. Yap, F. Nasrallah, J.H. Lim, C.H. Yeow. "Design and Preliminary Feasibility Study of a Soft Robotic Glove for Hand Function Assistance in Stroke Survivors", Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2017; 11:547.
3. W.K. Ang, C.H. Yeow. "A Novel Fold-Based Design Approach towards Printable Soft Robotics using Flexible 3D Printing Materials", Advanced Materials Technologies 2017. (Accepted).
4. T.H. Koh, N. Cheng, H.K. Yap, C.H. Yeow. "Design of a Soft Robotic Elbow Sleeve with Passive and Intent-Controlled Actuation", Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2017; 11:597.
5. M.C.H. Chua and C.H. Yeow. “Design and Characterization of a Soft Robotic Therapeutic Glove for Rheumatoid Arthritis”, Assistive Technology, 2017.
6. Ramachandran, G. K., and C.H. Yeow. “Proton NMR characterization of intact primary and metastatic melanoma cells in 2D & 3D cultures." Biological Research, 50(1), 12. ;
7. Yi Sun, Hong Kai Yap, Xinquan Liang, Jin Guo, Peng Qi, Marcelo H. Ang. Jr and C.H. Yeow. “Stiffness Customization and Patterning for the Property Modulation of Silicone-Based Soft Pneumatic Actuators." Soft Robotics (SoRo)
8. J.H. Low, W.W. Lee, P.M. Khin, N.V. Thakor, S.L. Kukreja, H.L. Ren and C.H. Yeow. “A hybrid tele-manipulation system using a sensorized 3D-printed soft robotic gripper and a soft fabric-based haptic glove." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2017. 2(2): 880-887.
9. H.K. Yap, P.M. Khin, T.H. Koh, Y. Sun, X. Liang, J.H. Lim and C.H. Yeow. “A Fully Fabric-Based Bidirectional Soft Robotic Glove for Assistance and Rehabilitation of Hand Impaired Patients”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2017; 2(3):1383-1390.
10. Yi Sun, Xinquan Liang, Hong Kai Yap, Jiawei Cao, Marcelo H. Ang, and C.H. Yeow. “Force Measurement Toward the Instability Theory of Soft Pneumatic Actuators”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2, No. 2 (2017): 985-992.
1. Ramachandran, G.K., Yong, W.P.,and C.H. Yeow. “Identification of Gastric Cancer Biomarkers Using 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry. Plos One 2016; 11(9)
2. M.C.H. Chua and C.H. Yeow. “Effects of Mattress Material on Body Pressure Profiles in Different Sleeping Postures”, Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 5.3 (2016)
3. H.K. Yap, N. Kamaldin, F. Nasrallah, J.H. Lim, J.C.H. Goh and C.H. Yeow. “A Magnetic Resonance Compatible Soft Wearable Robotic Glove for Hand Rehabilitation and Brain Imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2016.
4. V.W.L. Mak, J.H. Low, M.C.H. Chua and C.H. Yeow. “Effects of visual feedback on motion mimicry ability during video-based rehabilitation.” Cogent Medicine, 2016.
5. H.K. Yap, H.Y. Ng and C.H. Yeow. “High-Force Soft Printable Pneumatics for Soft Robotic Applications.” Soft Robotics. 2016.
6. J.C. Yeo, H.K. Yap, W. Xi, Z. Wang, C.H. Yeow, and C.T. Lim. “Flexible and stretchable strain sensing actuator for wearable soft robotics application.” Advanced Materials Technologies, 2016. [ Journal Front Cover ]
7. H.K. Yap, J.H. Lim, J.C.H. Goh, and C.H. Yeow. “Design of a Soft Robotic Glove for Hand Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients with Clenched Fist Deformity using Inflatable Plastic Actuators.” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 2016; 10(4):0445041.
8. H.K. Yap, J.H. Lim, F. Nasrallah, J.C.H. Goh, and C.H. Yeow. “Characterization and Evaluation of Soft Elastomeric Actuators for Hand Assistive and Rehabilitation Applications.” Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 2016; 40(4):199-209.
9. H.K. Yap, J.C.H. Goh and C.H. Yeow. “A Low-Profile Soft Robotic Sixth-Finger for Grasp Compensation in Hand-Impaired Patients.” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 2016; 10(3):030914.
10. J.H. Low and C.H. Yeow. “Rod-based Fabrication of Customizable Soft Robotic Pneumatic Gripper Devices for Delicate Tissue Manipulation.” Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2016.
11. F.Z. Low, H.H. Tan, J.H. Lim, and C.H. Yeow. “Development of a Soft Pneumatic Sock for Robot-assisted Ankle Exercise.” ASME Journal of Medical Devices 10(1):014503-014503-5.
1. Y.C. Liu and C.H. Yeow. "A Portable Soft Hand Exerciser with Variable Elastic Resistance for Rehabilitation & Strengthening of Finger, Wrist & Hand". ASME Journal of Medical Devices 9(3):030920-030920-3.
2. S. Suresh, Y.C. Liu, and C.H. Yeow. "Development of a Wearable EEG Device for Anxiety Monitoring". ASME Journal of Medical Devices 2015; 9(3):030917- 030917-3.
3. H. Mokhtarzadeh, A. Ng, C.H. Yeow, D. Oetomo, F. Malekipour, and P.V. Lee. "Restrained tibial rotation may prevent ACL injury during landing at different flexion angles". Knee 22(1):24-9.
1. J.H. Low, I. Delgado-Martinez, and C.H. Yeow. "Customizable soft pneumatic chamber-gripper devices for delicate surgical manipulation." ASME Journal of Medical Devices 2014. 8(4), 044504.
2. C.H. Yeow, A.T. Baisch, S.G. Talbot, and C.J. Walsh. "Cable-driven finger exercise device with extension return springs for recreating standard therapy exercises." ASME Journal of Medical Devices 2013. 8(1), 014502.
1. L.C. Hernandez-Barraza, G. Krishnan, J.H. Low, and C.H. Yeow. "The biomechanics of ACL injury: progresses toward prophylactic strategies." Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 2013. 41(4-5), 309-321.
2. H. Mokhtarzadeh, C.H. Yeow, J.C.H. Goh, D. Oetomo, F. Malekipour, and P.V.S. Lee. "Contributions of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles to the anterior cruciate ligament loading during single-leg landing." Journal of Biomechanics. 14 April 2013. (Accepted) (Cited in ‘The Age’ newspaper, Australia)
1. Y. Liu, S.H. Teoh, M.S. Chong, C.H. Yeow, R. Kamm, M. Choolani, and J. Chan. "Contrasting effects of vasculogenic induction upon biaxial bioreactor stimulation of mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells cocultures in 3d scaffolds under in vitro and in vivo paradigms for vascularized bone tissue engineering." Tissue Eng Part A. 2012 Oct 26
2. C.H. Yeow. "Hamstrings and quadriceps muscle contributions to energy generation and dissipation at the knee joint during stance, swing and flight phases of level running." Knee. 2012 Sep 26. doi:pii: S0968-0160(12)00158-5. 10.1016/j.knee.2012.09.006.
3. Z. Yang, Y. Zou, X.M. Guo, H.S. Tan, V. Denslin, C.H. Yeow, X.F. Ren, T.M. Liu, J.H. Hui, and E.H. Lee. "Temporal activation of ß-catenin signaling in the chondrogenic process of mesenchymal stem cells affects the phenotype of the cartilage generated." Stem Cells and Development